Author in webapp views

In webapp views, it seems the author is not the person who created the entry but the updater.
Is there a way to also get the initial author in the views ?



This could be a bit confusing.
If you search: author : "John Doe" then you’ll indeed find entries which have been created by John Doe.
But Author column shows users who last updated entries.
So, you can create a view for displaying users who initially created entries: author : "John Doe".

Let me know if you need any further assistance.

Hi @andrey

That’s what we have understood but we have a real need in the webapp to have the 2 two information: the creator and the updater. Would it be possible to add this creator field that all contents have in the default parameter you can add in a view ?


Hi @jerome.hautecoeur,

Yep, it’s possible.
You can search (and create a view): updater: "John Doe".
So, unfortunately, we don’t show initial creator of entries as a separate column, but you can create two views which should address your requirements:
updater: "John Doe"
author : "John Doe"


In fact, my question is rather: have you planned to add this new column ? We have too many authors to make a view for each of them.



Got your point. Good question. I’ll pass this to the team.
I’m not yet sure, but just as an alternative solution, might be it’s possible to display Author using UI-extensions.

Hi @andrey

Did you get some news about displaying the Author using UI-extensions ?
This is really confusing for contributors…



Hi Jérôme,

UI extensions would allow to display such information in the entry editor view (being in a field, or in the sidebar), but don’t enable updating the content list view, which is, if I understood your point, what you’d like to do.
There’s unfortunately no possibility to add this information on this screen at this point, and this is a good feedback for our product team.
