CMS Modelling and Content Filters/Views Questions

Content Modelling

Has anyone tried to ‘group’ fields together within the model of a single content type? (e.g. name & description together, assets separate). Specifically in the content-type definition and thereby visible on the content entry editing app; i.e. this would purely be for the purposes of grouping fields to make the life of an editor easier.
I’m specifically NOT looking to create the separate fields as separate content-types.

Content Filters / Views

Is it possible to create a view that includes 2 or more content-types? i.e. say i have content types A, B, C, & D and I want a view that only lists entries from content types A & D. Is this possible?



Content Modeling

From the web app, you can physically group fields together in any order that best facilitates the editing experience for your team. When the content gets rendered on your website (for instance), you can pass any field property to any section of the page, regardless of where the field is located in relation to other fields in the Contentful web app.

Content Filters / Views

I tried seeing if we could use the Content type pill twice in a saved view but it doesn’t appear to be that way. We may need to submit this as a feature request but let’s see if any other users will chime in first in case there is a workaround.

This is more of a work around but if your content types A and D have some common attributes then you could use the full text search to find those common attributes and save that as a view.

A better way might be to have the common attributes in a content type (for example product) and then have a reference field that can link to one of two sub-content types (clothing product detail and electronics product detail) that have the specific fields for each one. Then you would be able to have a saved view based on a field in the product content type.

A similar answer can be found here: Modeling product detail table (arbitrary key)