Contentful.Core.Errors.ContentfulRateLimitException: You have exceeded the rate limit of this Space by making too many API requests within a short timespan. Please wait a moment before trying the request again

We have before-ahead created content entries and keep content key (entry id) in our entities.

When we are pulling entities, we are making request to contentful per each entity, getting the content and setting the “Content” property with appropriate model (based on content/model type).

When we are making concurrent requests sometimes we are getting exception

Contentful.Core.Errors.ContentfulRateLimitException: You have exceeded the rate limit of this Space by making too many API requests within a short timespan. Please wait a moment before trying the request again.

Based on this response I am assuming that contents are not cached yet, because if it were, we would not have any Rate Limit issues. However, content have not changed for a while, and it is not clear how long it takes before space if fully cached in CDN.

Am I right in assuming that after some period of time content fill be fully cached, and if it is not what can we do to solve this issue other than Sync API and Web Hooks?