Contentful integration in mobile app (reading and writing to contentful)

I’d like to use contentful for mobile application. Content delivery from contentful to mobile app is very simple. What I’m having trouble understand is, how can I implement uploading content from the mobile app to contentful?

I know there is management api but it looks like something for administrators, content editors and I need (unlimited) regular app users to be able to upload an image, save user specific content or save custom user settings to contentful.

Can anyone point me in the right direction how can I accomplish that with contentful? Is is possible at all?


Hi @tomasz,

From a general perspective, Contentful is optimized for content creation, instead of specifically providing authentication to multiple users outside of a given organization.

That means that you’d have to implement most of the user-related components, such as registration, password recovery, authorization, etc.

With that, you’d integrate this with our Management API to perform content modifications from these users (e.g. upload, save content, etc). And, as always, these would also have to be bounded by our existing API rate limits (there’s an API rate limit of 10 requests per second for the Content Management API).

Let me know if that makes sense or if you have any other questions =)

This actually explains everything. Contentful works best as kind of read-only API. Thank you for clarification.


@tomasz I’m glad this helped you clarify this matter!
Let me know if you have any other questions :slight_smile: