Folder management

I think what we need to address first is what “tags” mean in Contentful. We don’t have an explicit way of tagging an entry but as you can read here, you can integrate the concept of tags to your content by creating a short text field that will allow the author(s) to “tag” the entry.

For example, I have a content type called Blog post. One of the fields in Blog post is a short text field which I’ve titled Category:

Now, I’m going to create an entry with the Blog post content type. In the Category field, I am going to create my own tag just by adding a value to the field. In our example, I am going to add and create the Personal tag to my new entry:

To create a saved view based on my “tag,” I am going to start by narrowing the content type filter to my Blog post content type. In our example, I have two entries with this content type:

But I only want my saved view folder to contain entries with the Personal tag. So I will add another filter to our search based on the Category field (click on the Filter funnel to find the field search parameters). I am going to filter for the Category field that is Personal:

You can see how now we only have one entry result since this is the only entry for which I’ve “tagged” as Personal.

Since I am happy with my filter result and would like to preserve it for future use, I am going to click on Save as view.

I will then get a pop-up where I can name this view whatever I would like for it to be called:

To create a new folder to house a collection of saved views, click on the Add folder link at the bottom of the views panel. Give the folder a name.

In order to add a view to your folder, simply drag and drop the saved view into your folder:

So, as you can see, you can create views based on tags. Whenever you create an entry with a tag that matches the filter parameter for the view, the entry will automatically be added to the view.

However, folders are not automatically populated with views/entries based on the naming convention. Folders are just a way for you to manually organize your views.

I hope I’ve understood your question correctly!

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