Has anyone successfully deployed a nuxt3 contentful app to netlify?

I am trying to build a static site on Nuxt 3 to deploy on Netlify. Everything works fine in localhost, but the build fails. The same problem is documented here
but, the solution did not work for me. Adding a previous beta version of contentful returns errors related to the use of ‘eval’ in the module.
I am using nuxt 3.2.2 and I have tried several beta versions of contentful.js
Contentful 9.3.3 gives this error on generate:
“default” is not exported by “node_modules/contentful/dist/es-modules/contentful.js”, imported by “plugins/contentful.js”.

Has anyone been successful deploying with Nuxt3?

Hi Cheryl! Sorry you’re having trouble with this. You may find that you receive help faster by posting this in our Slack support community. Contentful Community Slack

Contentful Developer Community Lead