How to switch between environments?

How does one switch between environments? We have 2 environments but I can’t see how to access them. Tapping on the ‘Space’ folder takes straight to master. Shouldn’t there be a dropdown??

I encountered this issue as well. I think I’ve found the answer in the Who can access environments? documentation:

Who can access environments?

A master environment can be accessed by all users in a space. Sandbox environments by default can only be accessed by users who have a space Administrator role (not to be confused with an organization Admin role). Customers on enterprise plans with space sizes P1X and above can also create custom roles and configure their levels of access to environments.

So basically, only users with the space Administrator role can access multiple environments. I need to set this up myself, so I’ll let you know if it works.

UPDATE: I got my account role updated to space Administrator and I can now change environments at the top left by selecting the three lines and selecting the space I want.

I find this setup strange because I was able to create a new environment as just a member, but wasn’t able to access the new environment.