Image asset preview

Hello, I’d like to propose a feature where we’d be able to configure multiple previews for some image.

When creating contnent editors need to know how a specific image will look like when cropped as a thubnail or in some other preview.

I’d imagine it in a sidebar where we could put some dimensions (maybe also parameters for query from image API), and ideally also a CSS features like background position, cropping or filter.

Let me know if there is a way to create something like this at least as a UI extension or have a preview link as it is for other content models, where we would do it on our frontend.

I think that would do the job, the issue is that it only provides the coordinates of the focal point, and therefore hard to address on the FE, didn’t a found a way to have it working with Gatsby.

Yes, the focal point might be helpful in some situations but the problem isn’t in not focusing on the important part of the image. Problem is that picture has to be cropped to multiple sizes, preview, thumbnail and cover. They have a very similar aspect ratio but it still sometimes causes some of the text or logo in the image being cropped.

It is usually the case where a “tall” image is used. Another thing that would solve this problem would be validation on aspect ratio and not only size.