In what ways has Contentful helped your business?

I am doing a little market research and would like to find out more about the ways in which Contentful creates value and is superior to other CMSes directly from its users. I’d really appreciate getting your feedback on a few questions:

  • I am curious what is the main reason you choose Contentful over any other CMS?
  • What kind of value is Contentful creating for your organization that other CMSes can’t?
  • Have you seen any significant improvements in efficiency thanks to Contentful that your previous CMS couldn’t deliver?
  • What’s the one thing in Contentful that you can’t live without?
  • If you aren’t the key decision maker in regards to enterprise architecture in your organization, then what do your managers think and love about Contentful?
  • What is one problem that Contentful solves much better than any other CMS?
  • What is one thing you wish Contentful was able to do that it can’t at the moment?
  • If you are implementing Contentful for your clients, then what kind of clients tend to benefit from Contentful the most and what do they love most about Contentful?
  • Shopify is to ecommerce what Contentful is to _____________?


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