Issue - C# project and embedded resource in Rich Text Box


We have a C# project that sits between Contentful and the back end of the website. Its purpose to take a page URL, request the data from Contentful, map the returned data and pass the result back to the website for rendering. The project uses contentful.csharp v6.0.16 SDK

My issue is this:

I have a page template content type which contains a rich text box amongst other fields, and I want to embed a video content type into it. I can physically do this and that’s fine, but, the data returned from ContentFul and into this C# project is missing any detail regarding the embedded video. If you look at the screen grab, there is an embedded block but no associated data.

Does anyone have any experience with C# SDK and rich text embedding?

Thanks in advance,


Sample Blazor - Ritch text Blocks renders
Blazor.Contentful.Blog.Starter/ContentfulBlocksEmbeddedEntryRender.cs at main · canhorn/Blazor.Contentful.Blog.Starter (
