Issue encountered Item cannot come after itself: id

Hi There,

apologies if this is not the right place for this but I have an issue. My environment is Laravel 5.6.

I am using the Contentful CLI to run a migrate command which calls a migration file which has a set up identical to the example:

The error I receive is: Error: Item cannot come after itself: id. There does not seem to be anyone else encountering this from my searches so maybe I am missing something obvious.

In my package.json I have all of these included under dependencies:

  • contentful-cli
  • contentful-management
  • contentful-migration

If I run the command on the migration directly, the CLI prompt for generating the migration works as expected:
contentful space migration --space-id=[my_id] database/content-migrations/01-angry-dog.js

Any assistance is appreciated,


Hi There,
Khaled here from the sdks and tools team, that was a bug in joi which the schmea validation library that we use to validate the all of our schemas.
I am fixing that right now but unfortunately the release won’t happen today as we are working actively on the library ad we want to ship more features along with some more bug fixes.
a new version should be out by the end of the week.
