Rich Text Box embedded data fields

Hi community,

Does anyone know how to query ContentFul so that the embedded resource within a rich text box is included in the JSON response. All I get at the moment is something like below, but I would like to be able to see the actual data of the embedded resource. Just using postman I thought that I could query the entry id for the page that contains the rich text box and use the ‘include’ parameter say set to 10 (max) and that ContentFul would then return the full dataset including the resource embedded in the RTB.

Example query I am trying:

Any help would be appreciated.

  "data": {
    "target": {
      "sys": {
        "id": "nKH0LksSwzlsRkErENR4w",
        "type": "Link",
        "linkType": "Entry",
        "contentful_id": "nKH0LksSwzlsRkErENR4w"
  "content": [],
  "nodeType": "embedded-entry-block"



Hi Chris

It looks like you’re using the Content Management API (I think). Unfortunately, link resolution is not available on the CMA and you’ll need to use the Content Delivery API to return what you need.

More information about how links are resolved on the API is here: