This is not valid JSON

Hello, I have content model wite one filed as a json object.
When I write array inside this filed I get This is not valid JSON.

what is the problem? my app needs to map this array but I get nothing as a response because of this error.


Hi, Did this ever get resolved? I am having the same issue.

Error publishing “single economy”: Validation failed. Please check the individual fields for errors.

Hi, JSON arrays should be written inside square brackets, for example:

{“firstName”:“John”, “lastName”:“Doe”},
{“firstName”:“Anna”, “lastName”:“Smith”},
{“firstName”:“Peter”, “lastName”:“Jones”}

Do not use ’ ’ ,but use " "

“Plush pillows and breathable bed linens”,
“Soft, oversized bath towels”,
“Full-sized, pH-balanced toiletries”,
“Complimentary refreshments”,
“Adequate safety/security”,
“Comfortable beds”

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did you find solution for this

hsjo12 answered, that is the solution, just use “” instead of ‘’ and watch about (,) after the last line, it shouldn’t be there

I’m having this same issue, but the quotes and commas are correct as far as I can tell: