Unable to retrieve correct results using "links_to_entry"


I have a content model with the following content models

Author (with content id “author”)
Article Category (with content id: "articleCategory)
Story (with content id: “story”)

Story contains the following fields:

  • author (single reference to “author” content)
  • article categories (multiple reference to “articleCategory” content)

Here is the problem I’m running into:

I have an author with id: “abc”
I have a category with id: “123”

I have multiple stories linked to the author with id “abc”
I have multiple stories linked to the category with id “123”

I am using the Node.js library

The following request returns a list of stories linked to the author with id “abc”

contentful.getEntries({ content_type: “story”, links_to_entry: “abc” })

The following request returns an empty list, even though I expect it to return all the stories linked to the category with id “123”

contentful.getEntries({ content_type: “story”, links_to_entry: “123” })

why doesn’t the second request return any stories? how can I retrieve all stories linked to category “123”?