Vue-Apollo Partial GraphQL Error Handling

I am currently building a Nuxt webapp and have run into a slight problem with the GraphQL Api.
I am trying to retrieve an entry as well as linked entries through a collection:
query baseCategoryChildren($id: String!) {
baseCategory(id: $id) {
subPagesCategoriesCollection {
items {
… on Page {
sys {
… on Category {
sys {

Which works fine, except that I am getting a partial error for linked entries, that are in ‘Draft’ state. I am getting the UNRESOLVABLE_LINK error for the draft entries. The published entries are passed along fine in GraphiQL, however in the JS client (Vue/Apollo) the partial error is being handled as a full error, and I do not have access to the valid part of the response.
I passed the preview: false argument for the collection in order to only retrieve the published entries, however it seemes to still try to access the drafted entries.
Is there a workaround here to only retrieve the published entries?

I’d appreciate any help or ideas!