Is it possible to filter by multiple categories with the graphql api?

I am having trouble forming the correct where clause for filtering articles.
There are 3 filters, and I want to get all results that are tagged with ANY (OR) of the selected categories when they belong to the same filter, but when there are multiple filters, I want to get all of the results that are tagged with ONLY ANY of the selected categories when they belong to the same filter AND ANY categories when they belong to the same filter.

For example, Ethics and GovernmentalAffairs belong to the same filter, and Illinois and Indiana belong to the same filter. If all of these are selected, I want to get ALL results that are tagged with either Ethics OR GovernmentalAffairs AND Illinois OR Indiana.

Is this possible? I have my attempt below:

query {
          categoryCollection(where: {AND: [
            {OR:[{identifier: "Topic.Ethics"}, {identifier:"Topic.GovernmentalAffairs"}]}
            {OR:[{identifier:"Jurisdiction.Illinois"}, {identifier:"Jurisdiction.Indiana"}]}
          ] }) {
            items {
                linkedFrom {
                    articleCollection {
                        items {