Official GraphiQL endpoint of Contentful showing INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR

Not been able to access GraphiQL or request data.
According to the documentation, I am doing it the right way?

I’m using the official Contentful endpoint with a enviornment.
My space, environment and access token are correct.{SPACE}/environments/{ENVIRONMENT}/explore?access_token={CDA_TOKEN}

GraphiQL interface shows the following error:

  "errors": [
      "message": "An unexpected error happened on our side.",
      "extensions": {
        "contentful": {
          "code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR",
          "requestId": "...(some hash)..."

What am I doing wrong?

Fixed it!

It looks like there are two content type names that are colliding in your schema that are causing the error. Do you have a content type named “ProductFilter”? The appended “Filter” is a reserved name. GraphQL generates the following helper types for each content type:

  • Collection
  • LinkingCollections
  • Filter
  • Order

Content types that end with these names will cause a naming collision in your schema and result in the 500 error.

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