Require quick contentful fix asap!

Hi everyone!

I have a quick job for anyone who has time. My developer is no longer available to work on my client’s site as they’ve taken a full-time job and I am not a technical guy. My past dev used contentful to create the careers section for the client’s site so the client could populate postings easily. However, the client now wants a description to be available to pop up under each listing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as it’s a bit of an urgent situation! Please email me at


Hey @john,

while this is not the right place to hire someone for freelance work, I’ll help you out with the Contentful bits here. Then you can hire every frontend freelancer you want, as it’s just about the look & feel afterwards.

First, add a new field to the job content type, that has the field id description. Now you can enter descriptions to job postings within Contentful.

You have a file contentful.js where in line 23 there is

var job = {
  title: item.fields.jobTitle,
  province: item.fields.location.fields.provinceState

Change this to include the just added descriptions:

var job = {
  title: item.fields.jobTitle,
  description: item.fields.description,
  province: item.fields.location.fields.provinceState

Now your hired frontend dev just needs to add job.description somewhere in line 59 (after above’s change: line 60) to display it. They’ll likely need to adjust the styles to fit your needs, but that’s out of Contentfuls scope.

I hope I could help out somewhat and wish you best luck for your situation,

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