Confusing validations error from the Migrations CLI

Hi There!

I’m attempting to run a pretty straightforward migration script to update a validations field for a Content Type. However, when I run the migration I get the following error:

Error: {"status":"Unprocessable Entity","message":"Validation error","details":{"errors":[{"name":"validationDefined","details":"Array fields do not support \"linkContentType\" validations","value".....

as well as:

Error: {"status":"Conflict","message":"","details":{},"url":" space id)/content_types/campaign/published"}

I was following the validation instructions from this document.

Here’s how the migrations script looks:

module.exports = function (migration) {
  const campaign = migration.editContentType('campaign');

      linkContentType: [
        'quizBeta', 'quiz'

Any insight would be appreciated!
Thanks so much in advance!

Hey @mblesofsky,

would you be able to share the current JSON representation of the field you want to update, so we can understand better what is going on?


Sure @stephan.schneider ! Sorry for the delay.

Here’s how the field looks:

      "id": "quizzes",
      "name": "Quizzes",
      "type": "Array",
      "localized": false,
      "required": false,
      "validations": [],
      "disabled": false,
      "omitted": false,
      "items": {
        "type": "Link",
        "validations": [
            "linkContentType": [
        "linkType": "Entry"

I did end up adding that validation manually. Previously the linkContentType only allowed quizBeta. My migration script was attempting to update that validation to include quiz as well.

Ah I see - we don’t have any DSL in place yet that tracks down the type of a field when updating a field property.

So usually validations is a legit property that can be assigned to any field except arrays. Here we have to assign it on the items sub-key.

For now your best bet is to do the following:

module.exports = function (migration) {
  const campaign = migration.editContentType('campaign');

      type: 'Link',
      linkType: 'Entry',
      validations: [{
        linkContentType: [
          'quizBeta', 'quiz'

Please not that this replaces the whole items object, so you need to state properties like type again. This is less than optimal, but should unblock you for now.


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Ah I see, I’ll give this a go.

Thanks so much for your help @stephan.schneider!

(EDIT: This did indeed work splendidly!)