Embedding social media posts in entries using Embedly

Hi there,

I need to be able to add embeds of social media posts in my entries. Contentful suggests Embedly, but Embedly doesn’t seem well integrated into the Contentful ecosystem.

Firstly - is there any way to embed external content into Rich Text fields? It looks like it’s only for Markdown fields … which seems odd since Rich Text is the newer-gen variant.
This was discussed here and here, but both of those posts are over two years old. Are there any plans to allow external embeds in Rich Text fields?

The suggested workaround is to create a content model, e.g. Embed, which contains a Markdown field that includes the embedded entry, and make this Embed embeddable in the relevant Rich Text fields. Is this still the best/only way to make embedded content work?

Also, the details of how to get Embedly working with your app/Contentful setup are pretty sparse … some more information would be helpful.

Thoughts and advice much appreciated!

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