Sdk field editors

Hi guys,

Im trying to implement @contentful/field-editors ( specifically rich text one ) in a custom editor extension.

The issue cames from the SDK, the one im using is “EditorExtensionSDK” that cames with values such as:
‘entry’ | ‘contentType’ | ‘environment’ | ‘space’ | ‘extension’ | ‘user’ …

But seems like a lot of the field editor ask for a SDK prop with 'field" property in order to set values for a specific field.

It is possible to use field-editors into a custom editor extension?


Edit: here is a code sample:
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";

const BannerCreationApp = (props: AppProps) => {
return (<RichTextEditor sdk={props.sdk}/>);};

init((sdk) => {
<BannerCreationApp sdk={sdk as EditorExtensionSDK} />,

Any help would be so appreciated, still cant connect a contentful RichTextEditor to the editor extension im working on :frowning: