Free tier also usable for a commercial project?

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything helpful regarding the usage context of the free tier. Is it allowed to use the free plan for a commercial project?

Thanks for your help :ok_hand:

Hi @CCOfDaniel!! Welcome!

The free tier requires logo attribution (see this and this for details), has no SLA, and support is limited to these forums and the community Slack, but as long as these aren’t blockers you are free to use it for a commercial project.

Hope this helps!

Hello @charlie, does the free tier for commercial use still valid as you said before in 2021? Asking because companies shift gears over time.

According to the given link it seems now attribution is not needed for the free developer plan, is this valid for commercial use too?

Hi and welcome @nerdyadventurer! Yes, logo attribution is no longer necessary for using the free tier for any type of project including commercial uses.