Superscript and subscript

How can I add superscript for citations to my text?


If you are talking about markdown long text fields then just write out the html tags like so:

- This is some <sup>superscript</sup> text.
- This is some <sub>subscript</sub> text.

And this will create an unordered list with superscript and subscript.

If you are talking about a rich text field, then create a separate Styled Text content type with 2 fields:

  • Text - this is a short text field to hold the actual text
  • Styling - this is a short text field with predefined values of superscript and subscript as a validation and a dropdown appearance

Then you can embed a Styled Text entry inline in your rich text field. On the front end you’d need to write a custom renderer for the EMBEDDED_ENTRY

See these links for more details and examples:

Hi Charlie, it would be great if that would be part of the formatting options in the rich text field.

Do you have plans to add that?



+1. Sub and Superscript is something I’ve requested for the rich text as well.


+1 on subscript/superscript. Any update on this?


+1 on sub/super script

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+1 on subscript and superscript

+1 for superscript and subscript

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+10 for superscript and subscript. +1 from me, +9 from the rest of my dev and content team that asks for this every sprint.

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please please please add superscript

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Our client also has been asking for this.
+1 on superscript and subscript

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Please, for the love of god, add superscript, subscript, and small text. There are tons of requests for this, and it’s pretty much expected from any RTE. Expecting customers to extend your built-in editor to get such a basic feature is crazy.


+1 to this request, it will be very useful


I agree superscript, subscript and small text would be useful. Creating additional content types just doesn’t feel natural, for instance, you can’t read the text within the additional content type from within the rich text.

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+1 for superscript and subscript

I was just feeling so accomplished with my solution to support Chicago style citations on my blog. I developed and migrated changes to my Contentful space via proper use of environments. I coded a solution in my Gatsby templates to easily handle footnotes with links and target formatting. Then realized I can’t use superscripts. Bummer.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add superscript, subscript and small text to the rich text editor. Thank you!

Since I commented this I tried using <sup> in the markdown editor and it worked. So, that seems like a good solution there.

How can I add this superscript in the markdown editor, which is this editor?

Has there ever been an update to this because the RTF solution doesn’t feel like a real one–especially since we strangely have a limit on the number of custom types we can have.

Also, I don’t see “markdown” as a field type to use that–which also isn’t ideal since that may not be as intuitive for a content author not familiar with that format.

Could I suggest at least having something like Prismic’s “custom labels” where someone can tag text in a way that we can catch when rendering on the front end. It’s still not as nice as actual super/sub support but it would be less messy than the Custom Type solution.