Zapier import linked images

Hi guys
I’m new to Contentful and testing all the features.
One of the requirements i have is it must be easy to import content from another system.
I’ve tested Zapier and it works fine for text based content. But what if i want to import linked images…
Is that possible? E.g import linked images for Tours.
Is this possible with Zapier?
Also, how about linked content, e.g Manual->chapter. Is it possible to import linked content?

Hi there,

Would it be possible for you to explain your use case in a bit more detail? It would indeed be possible to import linked images but surely so using different tools that we provide, such as the contentful-import and contentful migration.

Yes sure. My use case is that i have an Excel document with attributes and a link to main image.
Are there any ways to import it to the system, creating the content and the media ?

Whereas we don’t have a direct implementation to import content from Excel documents, it could be possible to use our contentful-import tool to actually do that. One of that ways would be to structure it in proper CSV format, convert it into JSON and utilize the payload to import it into Contentful.

What is the best way to properly convert the CSV file to properly formatted JSON for Contentful?