API/Asset Limits w/ Images

Hi there,
I was wondering something that I couldn’t quite figure out by reading the docs. Currently I can make a call for a particular content type, such as one I have in my space called “dashboardAnnouncement”, like so:
And that gives me back content with images.
Now if I then reference one of those image URLs that comes back in the payload, like

"file": {
                        "url": "//images.ctfassets.net/[spaceIdGoesHere]/1q8eggrhCUIGGe8gsww6kw/5e3ace857ece656fed3a0e746c2858f3/tco18-updates.jpg",
                        "details": {
                            "size": 184808,
                            "image": {
                                "width": 2048,
                                "height": 822
                        "fileName": "tco18-updates.jpg",
                        "contentType": "image/jpeg"

Does the call to that image URL count against my API limits for the month? or the Asset usage limits? or both?
thanks very much in advance.

Accessing that image URL counts against your asset bandwidth but does not count as an API call.