Language/locales for predefined checkboxes?

I’m creating a field (short text) and giving it “Accept only specified values” and “Checkbox”. Then I assign the pre-defined values for the checkboxes in the default locale/language. But is there any way to assign those pre-defined values to another locale.

I tried enabling the “Enable localization of this field”, but it will just display the checkboxes in the original locale when I’m trying to edit the entry in the other locale.

Suggestions / even possible?


We need this feature too - did you get any suggestions from anyone?

I did not.

Should be a quick “Doable/not doable” response from someone from Contentful

Answer from support: A reference field will sort this for you, yes! Contentful doesn’t support default values out-of-the-box, but another option might be to look into a UI Extension to pre-fill values. Here’s an example: